
Captain Jason Feaker currently serves as the Division Commander for the Detective Division.  He was promoted to the rank
of Captain in March of 2022.

Captain Feaker has been employed with the Waterloo Police Department since 1998.  He has held assignments in Patrol
on both Watch II and III while serving as a Field Training Officer (FTO) and Crime Scene Investigator (CSI).  In 2002, he was
assigned to the Detective Division where he spent 2 years as a General Crime Detective and then 4 years as a Detective in
the Tri-County Drug Enforcement Task Force.

In April of 2008, Captain Feaker was promoted to rank of Sergeant and working in the Patrol Division Watch II.  In July of 2009
he was re-assigned to the Detective Division as the School Resource Officer (SRO) Supervisor.  Then in January of 2011, he
was delegated to the Tri-County Drug Enforcement Task Force as the Operations Coordinator. 

In November of 2014, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant where he over saw the operations of Watch III Patrol. In
September of 2016, he was moved to the Tri-County Drug Enforcement Task Force as the Field Coordinator. Captain Feaker
served as a member/supervisor of the Tactical Unit for 14 years and the Honor Guard supervisor for 8 years.

Captain Feaker sits on the Board of the Iowa State Police Association, Iowa Drug Policy Advisory Council, and has served on
the Waterloo Police Protective Association Executive Board. Captain Feaker graduated from North Iowa Area Community
College with an Associate of Arts Degree in Police Science. He was previously employed by the City of Mt. Vernon, Iowa and
graduated from the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy in 1997.  Captain Feaker is a graduate of the FBI National Academy Session 273.

To contact Captain Feaker, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 319-291-4336



                  Captain Jason Feaker