The Patrol Division
- Patrol Division Commander - Captain Augustin Farmer
- 1st Watch - Lieutenant Michael Girsch (Click for Bio)
- 2nd Early Watch - Lieutenant Corbin Payne (Click for Bio)
- 2nd Late Watch - Lieutenant Spencer Gann
- 3rd Watch - Lieutenant Hector Camarin
The Detective Division
- Detective Division Commander - Captain Jason Feaker (Click for Bio)
- Detective Unit - Lieutenant Steve Bose (Click for Bio)
- Tri-County Drug Enforcement Task Force - Lieutenant Rich Gehrke
The Administrative Division
- Administrative Division Commander - Captain Aaron McClelland (Click for Bio)
- Internal Affair/Personnel - Lieutenant Rob Camarata
- Training - Lieutenant Greg Fangman (Click for Bio)
- Information Systems / Records Manager - Wendy Drinovsky (Click for Bio)