
Chief Letter

June 17, 2021

To: Members of the Media


Chief Fitzgerald greatly appreciates the opportunity to respond to Council Member Klein’s questions concerning his recent travel commitments and tenure as Waterloo’s Police Chief. 

 Council Member Klein probably is not aware that Chief Fitzgerald’s youngest son continues to be treated for a brain tumor that was the subject of a surgical procedure in 2019. The Chief has travelled out of state over the last year to accompany his son as he receives ongoing medical treatment. While the Chief would like nothing more than to see the medical situation fully resolved, the reality is much different and the situation is complex. Medical examinations will be required on an ongoing basis for the foreseeable future. Chief Fitzgerald will continue to support his son, and will attend important medical examinations now and in the future. Chief Fitzgerald appreciates the prayers and positive thoughts extended to him from colleagues at the Waterloo Police Department, the City Staff, the Mayor, and most of all, the citizens of Waterloo. 

 Chief Fitzgerald would also like to acknowledge that he could not have served in any capacity without the support and dedication from his wife, whom he deeply adores and respects. She shares in his commitment to law enforcement, and understands that serving the City of Waterloo requires him to adhere to residency requirements. He has done so.

 Dr. Fitzgerald considers it both an honor, and privilege, to serve as Police Chief. He greatly appreciates that the people of Waterloo have opened their homes and their hearts to him and to his family. Chief Fitzgerald reinforces his vows to protect, serve, and defend the citizens of Waterloo. As we slowly emerge from a pandemic that kept us all six feet away for more than a year, Chief Fitzgerald believes that everyone in Waterloo deserves a handshake, a warm embrace, and a sincere thank you for accepting him, and his family, into the community.

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Captain Jason Feaker
Investigations Division 

Waterloo Police Department
715 Mulberry Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

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Watch Commander at 319-291-4340 option 2