Community Policing Updates
Community Policing Updates
The Waterloo Police Department is excited to annou nce several new Community Policing Initiatives. First the Department has switched to Neighborhood Policing Officers. The City of Waterloo is divided into 10 separate and distinct policing Wards and each Ward is assigned 3 Neighborhood Police Officers, one on each shift, for a 24/7 resource. Although these will not be the only officers responding to calls in the respective wards the goal is for the officers and neighborhoods to build trust and relationships. This change is detailed in the Waterloo Police Operational Guidelines Administrative #27 Ward and Beat Integrity.
In addition Specialized Community Liaison Officers have been deployed to address our Downtown Areas, Homeless Population and LGBTQIA+ Community. Citizens can locate their Neighborhood Police Officers and Community Liaisons via the Waterloo Police Website.
The Waterloo Police have partnered with Atlas One, an App for your smart phone that allows citizens to be notified of important public safety matters in their neighborhoods or areas they designate. It can be downloaded on an Android or IOS Device.
We have also added a Community Policing Tab to our website to make locating all the information listed above and additional community policing endeavors more accessible to the public.
These initiatives are efforts to revive the foundation of delivering basic qualitative Community Police Services to the community. We have several additional projects and programs in the planning stage. Please watch for future releases on our website, Facebook Page or Atlas One.