
Seven Hundredth Gun Seized

This week the Violent Crime Apprehension Team (VCAT) surpassed a significant milestone with over 700 guns seized, since their inception in August of 2009. This is 700 less guns in the hands of violent criminals in our community over the last decade.

The VCAT Unit is currently under the Detective Bureau of the Waterloo Police Department.  The Detectives on this unit are all deputized as Task Force Officers with the US Marshals Northern Iowa Fugitive Task Force. This partnership along with strong relationships with every other unit within the Waterloo Police Department, and other local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies has benefited the Waterloo Police Department and community, in many ways and continues to do so.

Many of these gun seizures have resulted in federal prosecution and conviction in the Northern District of Iowa.  These prosecutions would not have happened without our collaboration with the United States Attorney’s Office and the Waterloo Police Department’s Safe Street’s Task Force, which partner with FBI and the ATF.

”VCAT and the officers that assist them work relentlessly to prevent violent crimes and apprehend violent offenders,” said Interim Chief of Police Joe Leibold.   “The hard work of the officers assigned to the Unit and every local, State and Federal law enforcement officer who has assisted them in this mission is the reason for their success, we thank them all for their hard work and support.”

Captain Jason Feaker


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Public Information Officer 
Captain Jason Feaker
Investigations Division 

Waterloo Police Department
715 Mulberry Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

After 4 p.m. and on Weekends,
Please contact the On-Duty
Watch Commander at 319-291-4340 option 2