
Police Officer Involved Shooting


On Sunday, April 5th, 2015 at 1:27 A.M. officers of the Waterloo Police Department responded to a report of a fight involving approximately forty people in the parking lot of the New World Lounge 2, 504 Riehl Street.

While attempting to break up the disturbance officers attempted to stop a suspect, later identified as Javon Darnell Webb, age 27 of Waterloo. Webb got into a vehicle and attempted to leave the parking lot.  As he was fleeing the lot he drove towards an officer, striking the officer with the vehicle, this action resulted in shots being fired at the vehicle.

A short time later Webb arrived at Allen Hospital Emergency Department with gunshot wounds.  He is listed in critical, but stable condition. The officer that was struck by the vehicle was treated and released at Allen Hospital Emergency Department.

Division of Criminal Investigation is conducting the investigation into the officer involved shooting. Both officers involved were placed on administrative leave per department policy. The names of the officers involved are not being released at this time.

Please contact, Alex Murphy, DPS Information Specialist at (515) 725-6189 or by e-mail at for any additional information about this investigation.

Captain Dave Mohlis
Investigations Division

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Public Information Officer 
Captain Jason Feaker
Investigations Division 

Waterloo Police Department
715 Mulberry Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

After 4 p.m. and on Weekends,
Please contact the On-Duty
Watch Commander at 319-291-4340 option 2